Hey we
got time for a quickie if nobody is coming.....Maddogg
Jimmy: Giggling
" Ya think Helton knows it's us?"
Jeff: Panting "I sure hope not. If he finds out we put that sardine under his car
seat last week, we are dead meat!"
Jimmy: "Well, I hoped that Target hat would help to keep him off our backs!"....Heather http://bigeseeker.tripod.com
Are you sure peep shows are supposed to look like this?
2. I think we lost him.
3. Dang, do ya think that's
Brook's lawyer?
4. Aw man, little E's gonna be pissed when he finds out we stole his little red cans.
5. Yo!
Dude! We locked ourselves in here. Could ya help us out? ...Valiant Dancer
"You keep your eyes peeled for somebody coming in here, I'll go over there and get the team set up book from Harvick's desk.
I just gotta get a win this season, and it's my only hope!"--- Rocketracin---Jo
Jeff! It's almost time for the race!
Who cares? Look at these two go at it!----Paul
Rain go away..come back some other day. Jeffy and me want to play----Maddogg
shit Jimmy, can you imagine a guy with an ass like Britney's ?--- adobedude
Jeff, your Voyeurism is
distracting you, thats why you can't win!!--- Paul,,again